PAK Isolated In UNSC

Pakistan’s efforts to internationalise the Kashmir issue once again has utterly failed to evoke even a mild nature by the United Nations Security Council. China had requested an urgent meeting of all the 15 members at the behest of its so-called “all weather friend” Pakistan. The meeting saw only China raising India’s move on Jammu and Kashmir with concern, whereas all other major powers advised Pakistan to discuss the situation bilaterally with India. After India had revoked the relevant provisions of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution pertaining to the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan has been losing sleep over the issue. This Indian move has defanged the Pakistani narrative on Jammu and Kashmir. India’s description of the steps undertaken regarding Jammu and Kashmir as its’ internal affair, has been noted of by the US administration. Russia went to the extent of describing the step within the ambit of Indian Constitution and asked both India and Pakistan to resolve the issue through bilateral political and diplomatic talks. The Security Council even thwarted Chinese attempts to issue an informal outcome of the meeting. Thus, the Security Council meeting on Kashmir issue will not be registered as formal one which could not take note of the situation in Kashmir. 

The United Nation’s Security Council heard the Chinese envoy pleading the case of Pakistan but paid no attention to his demand to issue an informal statement. Later, Indian Permanent Representative to United Nations Syed Akbaruddin questioned the Chinese envoy by describing his presentation over Kashmir before 15 members of Security Council as trying to present his version as view of the 15 members. Pakistan was expecting the Security Council to release a statement expressing concern over the situation in Jammu and Kashmir and advising India to restrain from taking harsh steps. But, Pakistan was totally isolated, though the Pakistan government tried to convince its gullible public that it has succeeded in internationalizing the Kashmir issue. Though Kashmir issue came up for discussion in the United Nations for the first time after 1971, the Security Council discussed the issue just informally in closed quarters. Even, formal notes of the member’s viewpoints were not taken, indicating that it was not of much relevance for the United Nations. The matter was taken up on Chinese insistence, who earlier had failed in blocking the move to declare Pakistan based Jaish-e-Muhammad chief Masood Azhar as an international terrorist. Both China and Pakistan found themselves complete alone. 

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan even made a last minute unsuccessful bid before the Security Council meeting to cajole United States President into changing his stand on Kashmir. Imran Khan was bluntly told by President Trump that he must take up the issue bilaterally with India. In fact, members of the Security Council realised that its relevant resolutions have become infructuous after India and Pakistan signed the 1972 Shimla Agreement and 1999 Lahore Declaration. India has always said that after these two agreements, there is no role or scope for any third party in Kashmir affairs. India is ready to discuss any issue bilaterally with Pakistan as committed. But, Pakistan has to first stop using terrorism as a means to force India to submit to its unjust demands. India has always maintained its well-known position that talks and terror cannot go together. Pakistan-China nexus on Kashmir has thus ensured the strengthening of the world view that Pakistan must resolve its dispute with India diplomatically through talks and should shun terrorism. 

After the Chinese envoy asked India to refrain from taking unilateral actions to change the status of Jammu and Kashmir, Indian’s Permanent Representative to UN forcefully underlined that the revocation of Article 370 is completely India’s internal matter and it has no external ramifications. Mr. Akbaruddin asked Pakistan to stop attempting to raise issues that are out of UN ambit. The unsuccessful move at UNSC once again has confirmed that there are no takers for the Pakistani narrative on Kashmir.

Script : Ranjit Kumar, Senior Journalist


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