PM Modi announces a complete lockdown across country for next 21 days


My dear countrymen, I have once again come to talk to you about the pandemic of coronavirus. We had taken a pledge of Janta curfew on 22nd March which we as a nation fulfilled with the responsible contribution of each Indian, children, senior citizens, small and big, poor, middle& upper class, each one came together in this hour of crisis. Janta curfew was made successful by each Indian With this one-day Janta curfew, it showed that when the country and humanity are faced with a crisis all Indians come together to combat it . You all need to be admired for the Janta curfew.

You are hearing and watching the worldwide situation arising from the corona pandemic. You are also seeing how the most empowered nations have become helpless in the face of this pandemic.

It's not that these nations are not making efforts or lack resources but the coronavirus is spreading so rapidly that despite all their efforts the challenge is increasing.

The results of a two-month study of these countries and what the experts are saying is that social distancing is the only option to combat the coronavirus that is to remain apart from each other and stay confined in your own homes. There is no other way to remain safe from the corona.

If we have to stop the spread of corona we have to break the cycle of infection.

Some people are under the misconception that social distancing is only for people suffering from covid 19 this is not right.

Social distancing is for every citizen, every family and for every member of the family. This irresponsible attitude of few can risk the lives of your parents ,your family ,friends and will jeopardize the entire nation. It is impossible to fathom the cost that India may have to pay if such irresponsible behaviour continues. For the past 2 days, many parts of the country have been locked down. These initiatives of the state government have to be taken very seriously.

Learning from the experience of health experts and other countries the nation is going to take a very important decision today. From 12 midnight today, please listen carefully, from 12 midnight today the entire country will go under complete lockdown.

To save Indians and every Indian there will be a total ban in venturing out of your homes. Every state, union territory, district, village, and every locality is being put under lockdown. This is in effect a type of curfew beyond Janta curfew more stringent than Janta curfew.

This is an essential step in this decisive battle against coronavirus. No doubt this lockdown will entail an economic cost. But saving the life of each and every Indian is the first priority for me, Government of India, state government and the local administration. Therefore, I request you to remain where ever you are in this country. In view of the current situation, the lockdown shall be enforced for 21 days which means the next 21 days are crucial for us. As per health experts, a minimum of 21 days is most critical to break the cycle of infection. If we are not able to manage this pandemic in the next 21 days the country and your family will be setback by 21 years.

If we are not able to manage the next 21 days then many families will be destroyed forever. Therefore for a few days forget about venturing out,stay at home do just one thing, stay at home.

Today's decision of nationwide lockdown has essentially drawn a LAXMAN REKHA on your doors. You must remember that you will invite grave pandemic like coronavirus to your homes if you step out. You must remember that friends, neighbors, and relatives whom you meet daily can be potential carriers of coronavirus. You must remember that initially people affected with coronavirus, therefore, take precaution and stay in your homes.

Some of you at home are very innovatively sharing this message on social media. I liked a banner which I want to share with you CO-RO-NA – Koi road par na nikale.

Experts have said that if today one acquires coronavirus it may take many-many days for it to exhibit its signs.
Meanwhile unknowingly it gets transmitted to all others who come in his contact.WHO report says that one person affected by this can infect hundreds of others in a matter of a week to 10 days. Which means it spreads like wildfire. Another statistic of the World Health Organisation is also very important. It took 67 days for the number of coronavirus affected persons to reach 1 lakh in the world. After that additional one lakh got infected in a matter of 11 days.

What is frightening is that it just took four days for the corona virus-infected case figure to reach 3 lakh and when it started spreading, it is very difficult to stop it. This is the reason why the situation went out of control in countries like America, France, China, Germany, Spain, Italy, Iran. And remember health services in Italy and the USA are considered one of the best in the world. In spite of that, these countries could not mitigate the impact of coronavirus.

The question is … is there a ray of hope amongst all this?

What is the solution, what is the alternative?

The ray of hope comes from those countries which have been able to control coronavirus to an extent. The citizens of these countries didn't move out of their homes for weeks together. The citizens in these countries followed government directions to the word and that is why they are moving towards coming out of this pandemic. We should also believe that this is the only way forward – we should not move out of homes.

No matter what, we should stay at home.

The only way we save ourselves from coronavirus is if we don’t cross the boundaries of our home.

Whatever happens, Stay at home.

The only way to protect us from coronavirus is not to cross the LAKSHMAN REKHA of our homes. India is at such stages, our actions today will determine our ability to reduce the impact of this disaster. Its time to show patience at every step.

Remember when there is life, there is hope.

Its time to strengthen our resolve again and again. Its time to show patience at every step. Remember when there is life there is hope. It is time for patience and discipline. As there is a lockdown in the country we have to stand by our resolve and promise I appeal to you that while staying at home, remember and pray for the people who are putting their lives at risk in the line of duty.

Remember the doctors, the nurses, paramedics, pathologists who are working day and night in hospitals. Think of hospital administration, ambulance drivers, ward boys, sanitation workers who are serving others in these testing times.

Please pray for those who are working to sanitize your societies, your neighborhoods, roads and public places to ensure complete eradication of the virus .You must also think about the media persons who are working 24 hrs to give you the correct information, and are being exposed to the danger of the pandemic in streets and hospitals.

You must also think about the police persons , who without worrying about their families are working day and night to save you and also facing the anger of some people. States and center are working fast in the situation arising from the corona pandemic.

We are making efforts that there is no difficulty in daily life. We are taking all steps to ensure continuous essential supplies. It is a fact that this unfortunate phase has brought a lot of difficulties to the poor.

The central Government, state government,social organizations and civil society are working to reduce the difficulties of the poor. A number of people are coming forward to help them. We are making efforts to not only give priority to what is required for daily life but also what is required to protecting life. The Government has taken decisions on the advice and suggestions of WHO the medical and scientific Institutes and health experts. Now the central government has made an allocation of 15000 crore rupees for strengthening the nation's health infrastructure for treating the coronavirus patients.

Using the fund we will be able to increase the testing facilities, personal protection equipment, isolation wards, ICU beds, ventilators, and other essential equipment. Along with this training of medical and paramedical manpower will also be done.

I have urged the state government that at this time their first priority should be only and only health services. I am happy that the private sector is also working shoulder to shoulder and standing with the people of this country in this time of crisis and pandemic.Private hospitals and private labs are coming forward to work with the government in these challenging times.

But friends you should also be cautious as knowingly and unknowingly many times rumors are also spread. I appeal to you to not believe in such rumors and superstitions. It is necessary that the suggestions and directions given by the central govt state govt and medical fraternity is followed.

I pray to all of you that if you suffer from any symptoms of this disease, please do not take any medicine without taking a prescription from the doctor. Any such carelessness can put your life in danger. I am confident that every citizen in this time of crisis will follow the directions of the govt and local administration.

21 days of lockdown is a long time but this is important for your safety and safety of your family. I am confident that India will not only successfully tackle this challenge but also emerge victorious in this time of crisis. Take care of your self and take care of your near and dear ones.

Jai Hind


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