PM Narendra Modi's address to the nation on COVID19 and the efforts to combat it.

My Dear Countrymen,

The entire world is passing through a grave situation.

Generally, whenever there is natural crisis, it is limited to a few countries or states.

But, this crisis has engulfed the entire human race.

Even during the first and second World wars, the number of countries affected were not as many as the number affected by the Coronavirus.

For the last two months, we have been watching with concern, the news about Coronavirus spreading all across the world.

In these two months, 130 crore Indians have resolutely confronted the Corona pandemic and taken the necessary precautions.

But, in the last few days, a feeling has crept in that we are safe and everything is okay.

But, this complacency in the face of this global pandemic is not correct.

Therefore, it is very essential that every Indian is alert and aware.


Whenever I have asked something from you, you have never disappointed me.

It is the power of your blessings that our efforts are successful.

Today, I am here to ask for something from my countrymen.

I need your coming few weeks and also your time .


Till now, the science has not been able to find a proper remedy to save us from Corona pandemic and no vaccine has been made for it.

In this situation, it is quite natural that our worries are increasing.

In the countries where the menace of the Coronavirus is more, a new fact has emerged from the studies.

In these countries, after the initial phase, there has been a sudden spurt in infection.

In these countries, the number of people infected with Corona rapidly increased suddenly.

The Government of India is keeping a close vigil on the track record of the spread of Coronavirus.

There are some countries which took immediate decision and contained the number of infections by isolating people.

For a developing country like India with 130 crore population, the growing challenge of Coronavirus is not a normal situation.

Today, when we are witnessing extensive impact of Corona pandemic in developed countries, it will be wrong to assume that it will have no impact on India.

Therefore, there is a need to follow two important things to fight this pandemic.

First – Resolve, and, Second – Restraint.

Today, our 130 crore countrymen have to show resolve and determination to fight this pandemic as a citizen by performing duties and following the directions of the central and state government.

Today, we have to take a resolve that we shall protect ourselves from getting infected and will also save others from getting infected.


During such pandemic, only one mantra works –“World is healthy, when we are healthy”.

In such situation, when there is no medicine for this disease, it is very essential for us to remain healthy.

Restraint is compulsory to protect ourselves and remain healthy.

And, what is the best way to maintain restraint –avoid crowds and stay at home.

Today, what is known as social distancing, is very necessary in the present phase of Corona pandemic.

Our resolve and restraint is going to play a vital role in reducing the effect of this pandemic.

And therefore, if you feel that you are okay and nothing is going to happen to you and - you will keep roaming in the markets, on the streets, and will be safe from Corona -is not a right approach.

By doing this, you will be doing injustice to yourself and your family.

Therefore, this is my request to my countrymen that for coming weeks, they should go out of their homes only if essential.

As much as possible, you should do your work from home, whether related to business or office.

Those who are in Government services, hospitals, peoples representatives, media persons, it is necessary for them to be active.

But, the remaining members of society should isolate themselves.

I have another request that the senior citizens above 60 to 65 years of age in our families, should stay at home for coming few weeks.

Today’s generation will not be very familiar with this but in olden times, in a war like situation, there used to be blackout at nights.

Sometimes, this continued for a long time.

Several times there used to be a drill for blackouts.

Today, I am also asking for another support from each countryman.

This is “Janata Curfew”.

“Janata Curfew” means a curfew for the public and by the public.

This Sunday, i.e., 22nd March, from 7 am to 9 pm, all countrymen have to follow “Janata Curfew”.

During this period, neither we will come out of homes nor on streets nor anywhere in the vicinity.

Only people related to essential services will come out of their homes on 22nd March.


On 22nd March, this effort of ours will be a symbol of our self-restraint and a resolve of our duties in national interest.

Success of Janata Curfew on 22nd March, its experience will prepare us for the future challenges.

I will also request to the state governments to lead the observance of Janata Curfew.

I will also request the youth associated to NCC, NSS, every young man of the country, civil society, all kinds of associations to make people aware for next two days on Janata Curfew.

If possible, everyone should call at least ten people every day to make them aware about Coronavirus and Janata Curfew.


In a way, this Janata Curfew will be like a testing time for India. 

This is also the time to see, how prepared is India to fight the menace of a pandemic like Corona.

Amidst your these efforts, on 22nd March, the day of Janata Curfew, I am asking for your another cooperation. 


Since last two months, millions of people are working day and night in hospitals and airports.

Be it people from field of doctors, nurses, hospital staff, housekeeping staff, airlines staff, government servants, police personnel, media persons, railways, bus, auto-rickshaw, home delivery people, they are serving others, by not taking care of themselves.

If you look at the present situation, it cannot be called a normal one.

Today, they themselves are in danger of getting infected.

In spite of this, they are doing their duties, serving others.

They are standing between Corona and the countrymen like protectors of the nation.

The country is obliged to them.

On 22nd March, I want all of us to thank all these people. 

Sharp at 5 PM on 22nd March, we should stand on our doorways, balconies, in front of our windows and keep clapping hands and plates, ringing the bells for five minutes to salute and encourage them.

I also request to the local administration of the entire country that at 5 PM on 22nd March, they should blow siren to inform people.

For our countrymen, who believe in the service above self will have to express our feelings with full gratitude.


We should also keep in mind that in this time of crisis, the pressure is continuously increasing on our essential services and hospitals.

Therefore, I request you all to avoid going to hospitals for a routine check-up.

If you find it very necessary, then take advice on phone from any doctor you know or your family doctor or any doctor in your relation.

If you have taken an appointment for Elective Surgery, my request is to postpone it for a month , if it is not an emergency.


This pandemic has also severely affected the economy.

Keeping in mind the economic challenges posed by the Corona Pandemic, it has been decided to create a Covid 19 Economic Response Task Force headed by the Finance Minister.

This Task Force will be in constant contact with all the stakeholders, take their feedback and after analyzing the situation, take necessary decisions in the near future.

The Task Force will also ensure that all the decisions, taken to tide over the economic crisis, are effectively implemented.

This pandemic has greatly impacted the economic well being of the middle, lower middle and poor sections of society.

In this time of crisis I appeal to the business community and the high income sections of society to be sensitive towards the economic interests of all those whose services you take.

It is possible that in coming few days, these people may not be able to attend office or to your homes.

In this situation, please do not cut their wages, decide humanely, sensitively.

Always remember, they also have families to feed and protect from disease.

I also assure countrymen that all steps are being taken to ensure that there is no scarcity of essential commodities such as milk, food items, medicine.

I appeal to countrymen not to go into panic buying to store essential commodities.

Do normal buying, not panic buying.


In the past two months, 130 crore Indians, every citizen, has taken this crisis as their own and have contributed for India and society with all their ability.

I am confident that in coming days also, you will continue to perform your duties and responsibility in the same manner.

I know that in these times, some difficulties do arise, atmosphere of apprehension and rumors also develops.

Many a time our expectations as citizens also remain unfulfilled.

Still, this crisis is so grave that despite these difficulties we must face this crisis with firm determination.


Right now we have to focus all our energies towards protecting ourselves from Corona.

Today , be it the Central Government, state governments, local bodies, Panchayats , people’s representatives, everyone is contributing towards fighting this global pandemic in their own way.

You too have to give your full contribution.

It is essential that in the fight against this global pandemic, human race emerges victorious, India emerges victorious.

In a few days the festival of Navratri will come.

It is the festival of worship of `Shakti’.

India marches ahead with all its might, that is my wish.

Many Many Thanks


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