India Battles COVID19 

India has also been afflicted with the coronavirus pandemic. Ever since the virus was detected in China in end 2019, India's scientific and medical community has been studying the virus carefully.

It was in January 2020 that the first case of coronavirus in India was reported from Kerala. However, the infected person was a foreign returnee. Since then India has put in place certain protocols that are being replicated in many foreign countries.

As the coronavirus spread has indicated, the developed world has till now faced the brunt of the pandemic. For poor countries, the virus is even more challenging. India being a developing nation, decided to formulate its own policy to fight the virus.

Since early March 2020, India decided to evacuate its stranded citizens from foreign countries. After these citizens landed in India, they were quarantined for 14 days before being allowed to go home.

The country on the appeal of the Prime Minister observed a day long curfew and showed their appreciation to the corona warriors on 22nd March.

India went into a three week nation wide lockdown from 25th March to stop the spread of the pandemic. It has been successful to a great extent. However, some hotspots have emerged due to an illegal congregation of people in a religious institution. But, here too, India went on to trace, test and quarantine the attendees. Those who were found to be covid19 positive are being treated in various hospitals in the country.

The nation also took care of its poor and down trodden. The government announced a Rs. 1.7 lakh crore worth of benefits to the poor and daily wages. Thousands of shelters have been set up for providing food and shelter to the migrant labourers.

In these troubled times also, India decided to help its neighbours and friends by contributing $10 million to a SAARC Fund set up to fight the pandemic. India had also evacuated foreign citizens by special flights and sent them to their home countries. New Delhi also decided to export drugs for treatment to US, UK, Nepal, Maldives and Sri Lanka. It had also sent medical teams to Maldives and Nepal.

India is committed to fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Prime Minister Modi had said the pandemic might have an economic cost; but, the health of Indians come first. India's benign model has been appreciated by global agencies and is being replicated elsewhere.

Surely, India will emerge victorious in its fight against the malaise.

Script: Kaushik Roy; AIR: News Analys


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