INDO-US Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership

As leaders of sovereign and vibrant democracies; recognizing the importance of freedom, equal treatment of all citizens, human rights and a commitment to the rule of law, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump vowed to strengthen the India-US Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership, anchored in mutual trust, shared interests, goodwill and robust engagement of their citizens.

Prime Minister Modi and President Trump pledged to deepen defence and security cooperation, especially through greater maritime and space domain awareness and information sharing; joint cooperation; exchange of military liaison personnel; advanced training and expanded exercises between all services and special forces; closer collaboration on co-development and co-production of advanced defence components, equipment and platforms; and partnership between their defence industries. Both leaders are looking forward to the early conclusion of defence cooperation enabling agreements including Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement.

The Indian Prime Minister and the US President welcomed growing links between India and the United States in trade and investment in hydrocarbons. Through their Strategic Energy Partnership, India and the United States are seeking to enhance energy security, expand energy and innovation linkages across respective energy sectors, bolster strategic alignment, and facilitate increased engagement between industry and other stakeholders.

India and the United States welcomed an endeavour by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for development and launch in 2022 of a joint mission with the world’s first dual-frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite, and applauded discussions that advance cooperation in Earth observation, Mars and planetary exploration, helio-physics, human spaceflight, and commercial space cooperation.

Prime Minister Modi and President Trump expressed their desire to increase higher education collaboration and educational exchange opportunities, including through the "Young Innovators” internships, and welcomed the recent growth in the number of Indian students in the United States.

A close partnership between India and the United States is central to a free, open, inclusive, peaceful and prosperous Indo-Pacific region. This cooperation is underpinned by recognition of ASEAN centrality; adherence to international law and good governance; support for safety and freedom of navigation, over-flight and other lawful uses of the seas; and unimpeded lawful commerce; and advocacy for peaceful resolution of maritime disputes in accordance with international law.

The United States appreciated India’s role as a net provider of security, as well as developmental and humanitarian assistance in the Indian Ocean Region. Both countries remain committed to sustainable, transparent, quality infrastructure development in the region.

Taking note of their countries’ shared commitment to advancing effective development solutions in the Indo-Pacific and globally, the Indian Prime Minister and American President are keen for a new partnership between USAID and India’s Development Partnership Administration for cooperation in third countries.

India and the United States took note of efforts towards a meaningful Code of Conduct in the South China Sea and solemnly urged that it not prejudice the legitimate rights and interests of all nations according to international law.

India and the United States share interest in a united, sovereign, democratic, inclusive, stable and prosperous Afghanistan. The US President welcomed India’s role in continuing to provide development and security assistance to help stabilize and provide connectivity in Afghanistan.

New Delhi and Washington denounced use of terrorist proxies and strongly condemned cross-border terrorism in all its forms. They called on Pakistan to ensure that no territory under its control is used to launch terrorist attacks, and to expeditiously bring to justice the perpetrators of such attacks, including 26/11 Mumbai and Pathankot. They called for concerted action against all terrorist groups and all their affiliates.

India and the United States are committed to an open, reliable, and secure Internet that facilitates trade and communication. India and the United States recognized the need for an innovative digital ecosystem that is secure and reliable, and facilitates the flow of information and data. Both leaders intend to foster cooperation among their industry and academia for open, secure, and resilient supply of strategic materials and critical infrastructure and to independently evaluate the risk associated with deployment of emerging technologies.

Script: Padam Singh, AIR: News Analyst


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